The Science behind
The science behind Back on Track textile technologies and functional engineering materials explains how our products can have many different properties simultaneously, without them interfering with each other. For example, the fabric can be highly breathable and wick away moisture - which will keep the wearer cool - while the minerals will radiate FIR into the body, without insulating, increasing skin temperature or making the product feel hot.
Back on Track works partly with the properties of functional fabrics and partly with the separate properties provided by minerals fused into their threads. The art of merging these different elements is a hallmark of our brand.
An item made from such a material will not be warm if it does not simultaneously contain an insulating filling. Nor will it retain heat and moisture, unless the fabric itself has these properties – and the functional fabrics we use do not.
Yet, the material will absorb and emit far infrared electromagnetic radiation (FIR) – an energy form related to heat, which has documented, beneficial effects on the body.
To explain these phenomena, we also need to explain what heat “really is” and the difference between different forms of heat transfer. By doing so, we will be able to clarify what we mean when we talk about FIR - and why FIR has a certain effect on the body.
“Heat” is the vibration of molecules making up the physical world
Heat, in a physical sense, consists of vibrations in molecules - building blocks of matter. In fact, everything warmer than the absolute zero point in space (at -273°C.) will constantly vibrate at a molecular level. When all movement has ceased, it can not get any colder.
This means that everything existing on Earth will contain heat; hence will vibrate. This vibration, in and of itself, generates electromagnetic radiation. This also means that all living beings constantly radiate electromagnetic “force fields”, invisible to the naked eye. These can be observed however, and quite clearly, if you use a thermal imaging camera.
What is electromagnetic radiation?
A thermal imaging camera captures electromagnetic radiation and translates it into something we can see. That is; another form of electromagnetic radiation – visible light. The electromagnetic spectrum is wide, and contains everything from radio waves to ultraviolet light to gamma rays. Only a small sliver of the spectrum is visible to us. Infrared, for instance, is not.
Electromagnetic radiation exists in wave form and has both an electric and a magnetic component. Its nature is illustrated by what we already know about visible light. It travels through vacuum. It can be reflected, absorbed and emitted. And it carries with it a certain amount of energy, depending on the wavelength.
When energy is transferred to physical matter, its molecules will start to vibrate. The more energy, the more intense are the vibrations. Any substance, hit by energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation, will be affected. What the effect will be, again, depends on the wavelength.
Heat can be transferred or lost in several ways
Vibrations of molecules – that is, physical heat - can also be transferred or lost through contact with other molecules. Vibrations are then physically transmitted from one molecule to another. This is for example how body heat is rapidly lost in cold air, and even more rapidly in water. A multitude of molecules in air, or the significantly more densely packed ones in water, will quickly absorb any molecular vibrations and dissipate them.
We can use a regular thermos to illustrate the different principles of heat transfer and loss: Between the inner bottle and the outer casing is a space containing nothing - vacuum – in order to prevent heat loss through the molecules of air. Vacuum does not, however, stop electromagnetic radiation.
Therefore, the energy contained in the hot liquid will slowly radiate from it, and this loss of energy will diminish the molecular vibrations. Hence; the liquid will still cool off – but much more slowly than if the inner bottle was not surrounded by a layer of literal empty space.
“Infrared” carries the capacity to make heat
In short: Heat depends on the presence of matter and consists of the physical vibrations of its molecules. Electromagnetic radiation transfers the energy needed to make molecules vibrate. Hence; electromagnetic radiation carries with it the capacity (or energy) to make heat – without itself being hot. Heat is created where it hits, “on impact”.
Heat can then leave an object or body in several ways; by its vibrations being transmitted physically (conduction or convection) or by means of energy loss through electromagnetic energy (thermal radiation).
Now, with the foundation laid down as to the nature of both electromagnetic radiation and heat - as well as the relation between them, we can move on to explain the significance of these phenomena to FIR (far infrared) - and ultimately to the products of Back on Track.
FIR is invisible energy that penetrates skin
Infrared electromagnetic radiation is energy waves that can set molecules in motion. Like visible light, it can be absorbed and emitted. Infrared is also a spectrum encompassing different wavelengths. Far infrared (FIR) is part of that spectrum, with “far” indicating its location at the lower end.
Matter that absorbs infrared energy also emits it, in a form determined by its own material properties. This ability is described in terms of “emissivity”. The minerals used in our textiles exhibit high emissivity values, meaning they efficiently emit far infrared energy harnessed from the wearer’s own body heat.
When FIR is sent back to the body (or “reflected”), it penetrates the skin and exerts its effect at the molecular level, deep inside the tissues.
A therapeutic, biological response
FIR affects the body in various ways, including by stimulating blood flow. The effect can be experienced and observed, but the mechanism behind it continues to be an area of research. Several possible explanations have nevertheless been put forward.
One plausible theory is that FIR upregulates the expression of an enzyme in blood vessel walls. This enzyme in turn increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) - a signalling molecule the body uses to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. The discovery of NO and its function as a signalling molecule in the body was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998.
The supply of energy through FIR is also thought to affect water molecules. Since water makes up such a large part of the body, the impact of making these molecules vibrate, move, change position or configuration can be of great importance. Taken together, these biological reactions may explain why FIR seems to alleviate such diverse conditions as swelling, inflammation, stiff joints and muscle soreness.
Brownstone T, The effects of Back on Track rugs on equine locomotion. Dissertation, Department of Agriculture, University of Reading, 2013
Burström S, Grundström S, Utvärdering av Back on Tracks effekt på hästryggen med avseende på rid- och veterinärbedömning, Fördjupningsarbete Hippologenheten, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, 2004; 1402-2052; 265
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The science of Rosehips
Why rosehips are so healthy
The combination and high content of active substances work together to give rosehips their biological effect.
The high vitamin C content contributes to the formation of healthy cartilage, supports the immune system and acts as an antioxidant.
The anti-inflammatory properties of galactolipids reduce the symptoms of inflammation and appear to protect cartilage from the degenerative processes that take place in osteoarthritis.
Several different powerful antioxidants combine to reduce oxidative stress and thus protect the body's tissues. The range of bioactive substances contribute to the normal functioning of the body.
Rosehips contain high levels of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory substances, vitamins, minerals and other bioactive phytochemicals with significant benefits for the body - in both humans and animals 1,3,6,8,10,16. Especially high is the content of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that also contributes to an active immune system1,17. Vitamin C is also necessary for the body's normal cartilage and bone formation.
Rosehips are particularly suitable for:
- Horses and dogs* with joint problems.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17,18,20
- Older horses and dogs* with musculoskeletal wear and tear.3,4,5,6,7,8,9,16,17,18,20
- Sport and competition horses and dogs* whose joints are subject to heavy stress.3,17,18,20
*Only the finely ground powder should be fed to dogs to maximise nutrient absorption in their short and often sensitive intestinal system.
Rosehips in folk medicine and scientific research
Rosehip has traditionally been used as a remedy for stiff, aching joints and the painful effects of various deficiency diseases - particularly vitamin C deficiency - although the causes of both suffering and relief remained unknown.
For the same reason, rose hips have been used to enrich horses' feed. It is only recently that modern research has begun to find explanations to the long-observed effects of rosehips. Now, a large number of scientific studies are available that identify the active substances contained in rose hips and clarify their mechanisms of action in the body.
The deep red colour of ripe rose hips already reveals a very high concentration of active substances; such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene.1,6,16 Many of the colourful molecules in plants and fruits act as antioxidants. Antioxidants help the body defend itself against the reactive and unstable oxygen molecules that otherwise wear down tissues, accelerate cell ageing and increase the risk of inflammation.2,21
Vitamin C
The content of vitamin C in rosehips is exceptionally high. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant but is also vital for other processes in the body. Horses can consume a lot of vitamin C during strenuous work21 and have difficulties absorbing vitamin C from a synthetic source.18,19,20 Enriching the feed with rose hips is therefore a very good way to provide vitamin C in a way that the horse can effectively absorb.18,20 The effect seems to increase performance in race horses. At Charlottenlund racetrack, 74 horses were given either a placebo or 210 grams of rosehip powder daily for three months. The horses receiving rosehip trotted 1000 metres three horse lengths faster than horses receiving placebo.17,18
Rosehips contain galactolipids12, a group of biomolecules that have been shown to have strong anti-inflammatory properties. 1,3,10,11,12 Galactolipids in rosehips can inhibit the inflammatory processes that occur in osteoarthritis6,7,8,9, by seemingly protecting the cartilage, particularly in the joints. 11,12,13,14,15 Rosehips have also been shown to increase well-being and mobility by reducing joint swelling and relieving joint pain.3,4,5,6,7,8 When joints are used and loaded, the nutrient-rich joint fluid will circulate through the cartilage. This lubricates the cartilage and builds it up. For this reason, osteoarthritis patients are generally encouraged to keep moving – something that is, of course, greatly facilitated by reduced discomfort.
The list of sources below includes the results of several major clinical studies in horses and humans, as well as published scientific articles. The scientific articles describe the results of studies conducted by independent researchers at universities and research institutes around the world.
- Bioactive ingredients of rose hip (Rosa canina L) with special reference to antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties – in vitro studies. Winther K, Campbell-Tofte J. Botanics: Targets Therapy. 2015;5:1–13.
- Evidence supporting an increased presence of reactive oxygen species in the diseased equine joint. Dimock AN, Siciliano PD, McIlwraith CW. Equine Vet J. 2000;32(5):439–443.
- The role of rose hip (Rosa canina L) powder in alleviating arthritis pain and inflammation – part II animal and human studies Marstrand K, Campbell-Tofte J Botanics: Targets and Therapy 2016;1:11:59-73
- A powder made from seeds and shells of a rose hip subspecies (Rosa canina) reduces symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Winther K, Apel K, Thamsborg G. Scand J Rheumatol. 2005;34(4):302–308.
- Improved gait in persons with knee related mobility limitations by a rosehip food supplement: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Ginnerup-Nielsen E, Christensen R, Bliddal H, Zangger G, Hansen L, Henriksen M. Gait Posture. 2015;42(3):340–347.
- Rosa canina – Rose hip pharmacological ingredients and molecular mechanics counteracting osteoarthritis – A systematic review Gruenwald J, et al. Phytomedicine, 2019; 60:152958
- Rose-hip, herbal remedy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis a randomised controlled trial. K. Rossnageletal. Phytomedicine (2010) 17;2: 87-93.
- Rosehip, an evidence based herbal medicine for inflammation and arthritis. Marc Cohen, Aust Fam Physician, 2012 Jul;41(7):495-8.
- A powder made from seeds and shells of a rose‐hip subspecies (Rosa canina) reduces symptoms of knee and hip osteoarthritis: a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled clinical trial. K. Winther, Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 2005; 34:4
- The anti-inflammatory properties of rose hip. Winther K, Rein E, Kharazmi A. Inflammopharmacology. 1999;7(1):63–68.
- Rose hip inhibits chemotaxis and chemiluminescence of human peripheral blood neutrophils in vitro and reduces certain inflammatory parameters in vivo. Kharazmi A, Winther K. Inflammopharmacology. 1999; 7(4):377–386.
- An antiinflammatory galactolipid from Rose hip (Rosa canina) that inhibits chemotaxis of human peripheral blood neutrophils in vitro. Larsen E, Kharazmi A, Christensen LP, Christensen SB. J Nat Product. 2003;7:994–995.
- Rose hip and its constituent galactolipids confer cartilage protection by modulating cytokine, and chemokine expression. J. Schwager et al. BMC Complement Altern Med (2011) 3;11:105
- A combination of a specific collagen hydrolysate with a refined rose hip extract has a positive effect on the extra cellular matrix maintenance of cartilage cells. Schunck M, Oesser S. Ostearthritis Cartilage. 2010;18(Suppl 2):S245
- A comparative study of rose hip extracts on osteoarthritis in cartilage cells. Nam DE, Lee MJ, Kang N, Park G, Lee J. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr. 2012;41(12):1663–1670.
- Traditional Uses and Pharmacological Profile of Rose Hip: A Review Zahra Ayati, Mohammad S Amiri et al. Curr Pharm Des 2018;24(35):4101-4124.
- A randomised placebo controlled double blind study on the effect of subspecies of rose hip (Rosa canina) on the immune system, working capacity and behavior of horses. Kaj Winther, Abdolali Kharazmi, EAAP publication (2010) No. 128.
- A herbal remedy made from Rosa Canina, act as an anti-inflammatory agent in horses exposed to strenuous exercise-a randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel, double-blind study on the immune system of horses, their working capacity and behavior. Winther K, Falk-Ronne J, Kharazmi A et al. Poster presentation at the World Congress of Osteoarthritis (OARSI), Rome, Sept. 18-21, 2008.
- Bioavailability of ascorbic acid in horses. Snow DH, Frigg M. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 1990;13(4):393–403.
- The absorption of natural vitamin C in horses and anti-oxidative capacity: a randomised, controlled study on trotters during a three-month intervention period. Winther K, Kharazmi A, Hansen ASV, Falk-Rønne J. Complementary. Exer Physiol. 2012;8(3/4):195–201.
- Effects of exercise intensity and environmental stress on indices of oxidative stress and iron homeostasis during exercise in the horse. Mills, P.C., Smith, N.C., Casas, I., Harris, P., Harris, R.C. and Marlin, D.J., 1996. European Journal of Applied Physiology 74: 60-66
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