When we discovered that Pytt Hamberg is also an enthusiastic user of Back on Track's products, we were of course both proud and happy! We visit her in the middle of scenic Roslagen, where today - and since 2000 - she owns and runs "Rånäs Stall & Pytt Hamberg Dressyr".

A life with horses and people

When Pytt Hamberg is asked which is her absolute greatest strength, she answers without hesitation:

"- Matchmaking!". The right horse with the right rider.

Thanks to her ability to match, Pytt manages to create dressage teams where horse and rider bring out the best in each other. In the ideal case, a harmonious unit emerges, helping both reach their full potential.

Successful matching requires sensitivity as well as intuition. It also requires a deep knowledge of both horses and people.

Pytt's love for horses is lifelong; she has lived and worked with horses all her life - as a rider, riding instructor, and breeder. Pytt has also devoted a large part of her life to children and young people; as a riding teacher and instructor, but also as a school teacher.

Pytt Hamberg often follows her students for many years. This gives her the opportunity to see them grow up - literally -, see them develop as dressage riders and, not least, grow as people.

"I am passionate about the development of 'equestrian people'!", she summarises.

Through her coaching riding lessons, she wants to equip her students for life - and give them more control over themselves, their horse and their future.

"The mind is central"

Pytt is a coaching trainer who also work to promote her students' personal development. A large part of her work is therefore dedicated to mentoring - and it is clear that Pytt's long experience with horses and people makes her uniquely suited to the role. Since 2012, she has held the added benefit of being a certified NLP Practitioner Trainer.

NLP stands for "Neuro Linguistic Programming", a mental technique that aims to increase the ability to use brain and senses to achieve one's goals. "Dressage is a sport where the mind is central," says Pytt. “And horses”, she adds, “are sensitive creatures that can sense their rider's mood in much the same way as dogs do.”

Using the tools of NLP, Pytt can train her students to achieve inner strength and calm. Her focus on personal development therefore also leads to deeper communication between horse and rider.

Team spirit and community

Pytt Hamberg says she practically grew up at Djursholm's riding school. In those days, she notes, "dressage" was both a strict and military affair. Since then, the sport of dressage has changed, and Pytt herself has evolved into a coaching trainer, with an enthusiastic interest in each student's unique personality.

Pytt has always worked to broaden the sport of dressage and introduce it to more people. During her time as national team manager, she implemented several changes designed to encourage and incentivise young people, such as allowing children and young people in the same age group to compete against each other. Previously, the competition class was determined by the size of the ponies - making it much more difficult for the youngest to win their first prize.

During her time as national team leader, she worked tirelessly to create a culture of community and fellowship - a culture that she is happy to see is still alive today.

Pytt Hamberg's everyday favourites!

Pytt uses several Back on Track products daily - both for herself and her horses. Some of them have become indispensable everyday favourites that make life easier with smart functions and with the FIR-effect of Welltex®️.

Here are some of the products that Pytt wouldn't want to be without:

Obsidian - multifunctional turnout rug

"Really great fit!"

Pytt is particularly pleased with the clever attachment of the neck piece. There's no gap between the neck piece and the blanket, she says, and nothing rubs against the mane. Pytt also praises the sturdy bow closure, where no side folds down."Feels very durable."

The “Obsidian” is a highly breathable, water-repellent turnout rug with a Welltex®️ interior - a perfect fusion of smart features, infrared energy reflection (FIR) and stylish design.

The fit is anatomically tailored. The colour is solid black, with champagne details - and reflective piping along the edges for increased visibility. The rug is available in three different thicknesses; 0g, 150 and 300g.

The Mesh Rug - a Back on Track classic

"The mesh rugs are worth their weight in gold!".

Pytt uses mesh rugs net in all sorts of contexts, but preferably in transport, as they protect against draughts, are reasonably warm and very breathable. After sponging off her horse at the end of a competition, she often puts a mesh rug on him and lets him dry in it on the way home.

This particular rug is made of a mesh material that allows air to circulate freely. The lining is highly breathable but also contains Welltex®️, which gives it the ability to reflect the horse's body heat in the form of infrared energy (FIR).

The effect can stimulate blood circulation and help keep the horse's joints and muscles supple and mobile.

3D Mesh Fur Brush Boots - with Welltex®️ and soft teddy lining

"Super good. The best I've tried."

Pytt says she uses the brush boots all winter long and particularly likes them because they are suitably warm, remain flexible and don't feel hard.

These brush boots are designed to protect the horse's legs from shocks and impacts while remaining soft and comfortable even for very sensitive horses. The inside lining contains Welltex®️ (FIR) which stimulates circulation and local blood flow.


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