However, such typical sports injuries can affect anyone who happens to overuse a particular tissue structure in or around the knee joint. The movement that hurts - or the area where it hurts - gives a clear indication of what may have happened.

The most common symptom of jumper's knee (patellar tendonitis) is a sharp pain below the kneecap. A knee brace or support can be helpful in alleviating the symptoms and speeding up recovery.


The body's largest joint is a complicated structure with many moving parts and consequently many things that can become overused or overstretched and cause problems. The knee joint is where the longest bones of the skeleton meet and where the powerful muscles of the legs are attached.

Elastic cartilage acts as a shock absorber and strong tendons keep the components of the joint in the correct position in relation to each other so that the load is well distributed. Importantly, they also stabilise the structure and prevent movement in the wrong direction.

Listen to your knee

The knee has an impressive ability to perform demanding tasks while simultaneously bearing the full weight of the body. Consequently, human knees are built to withstand significant stress. However, when they start to hurt, it means that the limit of what they can withstand has been passed.

When symptoms of jumper's knee appear, it specifically means that the patellar tendon has been overloaded, and the knee now, first and foremost, needs to rest from exertion.

Back on Track offers several different types of braces and supports for the knee area; more or less sturdy, with or without stabilising elements - all with embedded Welltex® textile technology. They are intended to both promote recovery and contribute to increased well-being while doing so.

Our braces and supports with Welltex® - for all kinds of needs in case of knee pain

The Welltex® textile technology gives textile materials therapeutic properties by means of minerals that are fused into the fabric's threads. These minerals have the ability to absorb and transmit the portion of body heat that radiates from the body in the form of far infrared energy (FIR).

FIR is known to stimulate blood flow and is believed to achieve this effect by increasing the production of nitric oxide in the walls of blood vessels (which widens them). Good blood flow provides excellent conditions for preparation, performance and recovery - but can also help alleviate problems with tense muscles and stiff, aching joints.

The design gives the products additional properties, such as anatomical fit, more or less firm support and comfort for the wearer. The design may also include supportive elements such as rigid or flexible splints, hook & loop straps for pressure adjustment and/or structures designed to support individual tendons or muscle groups.

Discover our classics and our new additions

The Knee Brace with Buckle is called exactly what it is, no more and no less. Today the product could be called 'iconic'; something that looks like it always has, is easily recognisable and has a long history of successful practical application. The black, tubular knitted support is made from a firm material that wraps around the knee and is able to carry a large amount of incorporated minerals. This gives the brace a strong ability to re-radiate far infrared energy (FIR), making it an excellent aid for all kinds of knee problems. As the name indicates, the brace also has a (removable) buckle that keeps it firmly in place. Flexible rails on the sides ensure that the protector stays stretched over the knee without rolling or sliding down.

Physio 4-way stretch is a more flexible version of our traditional black tubular knitted supports. The Physio range is CE marked and developed to be sold in pharmacies. Here, the FIR effect plays the main role; the brace is significantly thinner, elastic in both length and width and designed to be worn without being noticed or even felt on the skin.

Patella Knee Braces have a built-in pad that is strategically placed as to relieve pressure on the patella tendon. The Knee Band can alleviate problems with common knee problems above and below the kneecap - both jumper's knee, runner's knee and patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFSS). The band is fastened around the knee joint with a hook & loop buckle, making it possible to control the degree of compression as needed.

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