Infrared electromagnetic radiation is constantly emitted from every living human and animal. This form of energy is invisible to the naked eye but can be perceived with the help of a thermal camera - used for such things as night vision and heat detection. This electromagnetic wave carries with it the capacity to set molecules in motion by supplying energy – that is, to warm things up.
Infrared is part of the same spectrum as visible light. Like visible light, it can also be absorbed and emitted. Far infrared (FIR) is part of the infrared region of the spectrum, with “far” indicating its location at the lower end. The energy contained at these wavelengths is not enough to make heat that you can actually feel – but enough to exert a therapeutic effect on the body.
But how is this property transmitted to textiles?
The materials used in Back on Track products have the capacity to send far infrared energy (FIR) - harnessed from the wearers own body heat - back into the tissues. In order to acquire such a property, a textile material needs to be infused with specific minerals, capable of absorbing and emitting FIR.
Back on Track's textile technologies consist of both the minerals themselves and the method of permanently attaching them to various functional materials. The process involves the minerals being fused into the threads during the manufacture of the fabric.
From these “activated” fabrics we then make products that can be worn directly on the body – in the form of therapeutic braces and supports, sports clothing or useful everyday items and equipment for pets and horses.
The presence of minerals do not, however, affect the fabric's material properties, such as its breathability or its ability to wick away moisture. Consequently, a Back on Track product can provide a beneficial effect to muscles, joint and supporting tissues through its constant supply of FIR - and still keep the wearer feeling cool and comfortable.
What does FIR do in the body?
FIR affects the body in various ways, including by stimulating blood flow. The effect can be experienced and observed, but the mechanism behind it continues to be an area of research. Several possible explanations have nevertheless been put forward.
One plausible theory is that FIR upregulates the expression of an enzyme in blood vessel walls. This enzyme in turn increases the production of nitric oxide (NO) - a signalling molecule the body uses to dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. The discovery of NO and its function as a signalling molecule in the body was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998.
The supply of energy through FIR is also thought to affect water molecules. Since water makes up such a large part of the body, the impact of making these molecules vibrate, move, change position or configuration can be of great importance. Taken together, these biological reactions may explain why FIR seems to alleviate such diverse conditions as swelling, inflammation, joint stiffness and muscle soreness.
What is the effect of wearing FIR?
What we call the “Back on Track effect” refers to the feeling of increased well-being which is often the result of wearing products that radiates FIR. Far infrared energy is well known for its ability to stimulate circulation in the tissues and promote a healthy blood flow. Hence, Back on Track products are mainly used for their therapeutic properties: before, during and after various physical activities - or at rest, depending on the need. The effect is also used to help speed up recovery and to alleviate symptoms associated with osteoarthritis, overexertion, strains and muscle fatigue.
But by far the most important benefit of Back on Track products is that they are designed to mobilise the body's own healing mechanisms. By supporting the supply of blood to muscles and by reducing discomfort in joints, they will make it more comfortable to maintain an active life. And movement is truly the best medicine!
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